Monday 13 May 2013


What drove me into reading this first book, The Selection  by Kierra Cass was the very nice book cover and the two thumbs up of my sister. I now seldom read post apocalyptic books though I've loved the Hunger Games Trilogy so much and the first installment of the the Delirium series, but this one (The Selection) got my attention from the moment my sister told me it's a beautiful book and when I finally read the plot. I didn't say I loved the concept of it, I said it got my attention and made me interested in it. 

America Singer, a simple young girl from a family nearing the brink of
starvation was chosen from the thousands of girls whose name was drawn for The Selection, in search for the wife of the next King, Prince Maxon. It was an almost perfect set up except from the fact that, America is in love with someone else, and that someone else is Aspen, a boy who is poorer than America's family. Aspen pushes America away even though they have mutual feelings towards each other, leaving America confused and angry with Aspen. America left thinking it was for the best for her family and for herself. America now faces 35 girls in fight for Prince Maxon's heart, but America is not in The Selection to win, she's in the game to feed her family and to forget about Aspen. But when she becomes close with the Prince, and Aspen now in the serving in the castle, everything becomes very confusing. 

I really hate love triangles in everything! In books, in movies, in real life all because that one I chose is not the one chosen by the lead character! In this book, I'm loving Prince Maxon. I can compare this book to the TV Series, The Bachelor and The Hunger Games, more on The Bachelor side though. Sighing and swooning would be the best way to describe how I'm feeling while reading the parts where Prince Maxon is present. While Aspen is a very bit of charming the first part of the book, I still can't get over the part where he let go of America but to think of it, he has some serious reason on why he sis what he did. (I don't know if I'm making sense but you've got to read it to understand, what I'm sayin')

WHAT I'm trying to say is, I'm giving this book a TWO THUMBS UP! I loved it but I'm still looking for more, so I'm expecting much on the sequel THE ELITE.



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