Tuesday 4 September 2012


I was a little excited to read this book. I am a sucker for the "best friends turned lovers" stories that's why I'm crazy about My Life Next DoorThe Academy and The Boy Who Sneaks in my Bedroom Window (I'm still planning on the contents of my review). I even want that very plot to happen to me in real life in one point of my life. 

Nothing Like You is written by Lauren Strasnick, I did some reading of reviews and of course the  plot of this book, I guess I knew what would be the ending but, I was so wrong. And the turn of events of the story in the book is the least I have expected. 

The book is about a girl named Holly Hirsh who just lost her mother six month's ago, she's been feeling numb about the whole situation and she wants to feel something so she ended up losing her virginity to Paul who she barely even knew. Holly didn't even bother telling her best friend Nils on what she's feeling and what she did with Paul. Paul keeps nagging Holly when she didn't answer his calls and just completely ignores him, but Holly came around and find herself liking Paul back. The big problem is Paul has a girl friend, Saskia (that's also the name of my best friend in elementary! just sharing), and Holly also became close to her while they (Paul and Holly) are having a secret and I mean you-should-not-tell-anyone-or-i'll-ruin-your-life secret relationship. 

Well... This is how I see the characters, 
1. Holly. I haven't read any characters that's like her, I mean she is so annoyingly stupid in terms of relationships. I know there this saying of some sort, crazy in love usually does stupid things, but in her character, she just took it to another level. Period. I thought at first, since she's a little aloof that she'll be some kind of a strong heroine or something, but it just proved me wrong about one third of the book when she starts not to think straight and not realize what Paul was doing to her brains and her body (he's just freakin' using her!). 
2. Then there's Paul. The time I discovered Holly's stupidity is also the time that I thought that Paul is an addict/always baked or drunk or something, he's just the meanest! 
4. Saskia. The stupid blond at first, then became all friendly afterwards.
 4. and lastly there's Nils, the I-thought-savior-of-the-day best friend who turned out to be the one that got away. 

And here's what I thought about the book.
The characters are unpredictable or maybe predictable in real life. The story is just not what I have had expected from what I've said earlier, it was a little boring but I still managed to finish it because I was hoping and hoping and hoping that things would get better but it didn't that I was so pissed at the end. Then there's this thing about ghost whisperer which is just so annoying, I mean who in there right minds would actually believe in ghost whisperers?! and Holly just bought that whole shit! Lastly, Nils the best friends who Holly didn't trust, and became her sort of lover and just left her at the end when she needed him the most. 

It was just a waste of time reading this book and good thing that the book is short that I was able to finish it.

1 out of 5 stars for this book. 


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